Whoops! A bit of a hiatus there with going on holiday and what not! Back to the grindstone however and I've got the broken wood and rocks in the scene. I may need to brighten up the wood and look at lowering the rocks so they aren't so prominent. As well as adding these parts I have also made a few extra changes since last time:
- Altered lighting to be closer to the original concept
- Raised the rear camp slightly so that the tents sat higher and more prominently in the scene
- Tweaks to the terrain materials to try and blend them further, and avoid too many open repeating areas
I'm relatively happy with the main shot now (bar a few decals scattered around for grunge, etc) so the next focus is making sure the campsites have more going on and look lived in. As it stands the tents are relatively empty and the space between them is emptier. I have a few assets I could use already to help develop these spaces further. This is currently what the rear camp looks like:
I've started playing with the rocks and a higher res texture to create a sort of fire pit. I'm hoping I should be able to create this with assets I already have and some decals, but I may need to make some metal parts using the trim sheets I have. Other assets that I can use to flesh the scene out already are:
- Benches
- Barrels
- Lance Holders
- Wood Pieces
The plan is to create some extra pieces over the weekend using a combination of the wood kit, trim sheets and a couple of unique pieces. These will also help add some further information to the seating areas of the arena as well.
Assets using existing kit:
- Table
- Water trough
- Barrel Holder
- Fire Pit metal
- Holdall
Assets that need creating:
- Pillows*
- Rugs*
- Garlands*
- Tankard
- Bucket
- Various Decals
*These will use a fabric trimsheet to create variations quickly.
The aim to just kinda crack through as much of that list over the weekend and then I'll update here with the progress Sunday evening! Final push over the next week!