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Cyberpunk Challenge - Initial Ideas

Work In Progress / 11 February 2020

As I'm sure you've seen by now there Dinusty/Experience Points Cyberpunk Challenge has started! I'm sticking my head into this one as it should come with it's own merits and challenges! Looking forward to getting stuck in with this one and building something a bit more industrial and angry looking than the previous scene. It should make for an interesting piece. :D


I've had some initial ideas so far, and for the most part I'm settled on an idea. I haven't got a concept piece I'm necessarily working from this time round, but I have an initial image I took myself for my first thoughts on composition. Space as a commodity/rarity is something I feel plays a major part in Cyberpunk and as such this is something I'm going to be trying to push with the scene. The central theme is a railside market, but for the railside part I'm looking at using the London Over/Underground as reference & leaning into the idea of sleazy sci-fi the market will be a smash up between body mod shops, and red light district style fronts.

Initial areas of inspiration include:

  • London Rail
  • Maeklong Railway Market
  • Industrial motifs (excessive piping, metal floored leveling)
  • Red Light Districts

Some backstory to the idea and information I can use to flesh out the scene:

"The Earth is at capacity. Large colonising ships have been constructed to take humankind to the stars, however this luxury can only be afforded by the mega rich and those lucky enough to get on through a lottery pool. The last ship left years ago, and it appears as if production has stopped since then on colony class ships. With several factions realising that leaving Earth is no longer an option they've resorted to territory wars over the remaining land. Older organisations have turned to extreme methods to correct Earth's trajectory. With the tipping point well in the past groups like the Extinction Rebellion have splintered into groups with different ideals on the best way to right a dying Earths course. Extinction Now believe the only path is to thin the masses, and as such violent attacks on mega-structures have become a regular occurrence. Modification Rebellion believe that the future of humanity lies in extreme body modification and adjustments. A wave of kidnappings are believed to be M.R hoarding guinea pigs for extreme modification experiments. Some smaller groups still tie themselves to the old ways and have tried to separate themselves from the mega-cities in an attempt to return to the ways of old with varying levels of success. There are of course those that still try to police the city, although their methods are more extreme than those of their predecessors they go by the classic title 'The Met'. Greater London is a city in constant flux, consumed by faction war and rife with crime."

I'm looking at maybe seeing if I can get some character models to try and play with this story in the concept piece but we shall see! :D

Next up I'm looking at getting a rough concept sorted over the next couple days, followed/alongside a basic grey box blockout and asset list to move forward with :) Good luck everyone!