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Cyberpunk Challenge Dev 4 - Furthering the Blockout

Work In Progress / 21 February 2020

Time has bit a little more sparse this week, but I'm getting small bits done! I've added in a couple new meshes since the last update and also tweaked some of the existing blockout meshes as well. I spent some time collecting a bit more reference for Cyberpunk themes, and decided that some pieces just weren't hitting the theme properly. I've made tweaks to fix this from reference. There was a big look at more of the Cyberpunk 2077 for a push in the right direction.

Addition log:

  • Stairs tweaked to add bannister
  • More pipes added and wires altered to bring into focus point
  • Light sources added
  • Door panels added
  • Door frames and Doors have been tweaked to better match the aesthetic
    • Sliding doors instead. The idea being doors would have been updated with improved tech
  • A quick value pass to start getting a better idea for the value of assets in the scene rather than a single grey

Plan from here is to do a quick look over the current setup and a brief paintover. I want to see where I'll be placing things like posters, and start thinking about damage decals I might need to create. On top of this I'm going to start considering where the lighting can be tweaked to improve the scene as it is (I know for a fact the whole thing is a little too dark at the moment!).

I have also started a progress GIF and will look to try and update this every couple of additions...

I'd love to get the blockout finalised for the end of the weekend, but a busy weekend ahead may stop this! We shall see... 👀😁🤖