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The Rocinante has Fallen - Starting an New Environment

Work In Progress / 24 November 2019

Took a bit of a mental break after the last scene and now back into it! After going through my portfolio and having a look at what I'm currently missing, and what I want to look at cutting I've decided the classic 'Sci-fi' modular build environment is what I need to have added! So that's what I'll be working on from here on out. I'm hoping to drop a weekly (where possible) update on the blog at the end of each week detailing the work I have done for this piece.

Planning and Research

I've collected a few tutorials and videos to watch through and try and absorb/cement some knowledge with. I want to have a solid hard surface environment piece that demonstrates understanding for Trim sheets, tiling textures, and decal work in environment creation. On top of this the Proto-molecule information should provide me with an opportunity to work in some practice with organic shapes as well.

There are already a few tiling areas and trim sheet pieces I can already start to pick out in these sections. As I'm creating the blockout I'll be adding to a trim/tiling breakdown sheet and planning out my course of action for them. I'm hoping with how clean geometry wise a lot of the surfaces are I should be able to get away with a couple trim sheets and a nice set of tiling textures. Ensuring these have an effective texel density across them will be important. With the size of the scene I will be aiming for a first person setup with the Texel density of 10,24px/cm (1024=1m).


The initial focus will be on getting a blockout of the scene setup and getting the base ship to point of being done. Then I am planning on hammering in hard with the Proto-Molecule organics and combat decals to push the final scene setup. Once I've got a cleaner scene to a decent point I will probably experiment with finding a presentation angle further and doing a quick paintover to see where I could add the Proto-molecule information and damage. Hopefully by the end of this I should have a nice clean version of the bridge, and a battle torn version of the bridge that has fallen to the Proto-molecule.

This project is on hold currently, but planning on coming back to after things aren't so busy! 🤞