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Value Progress and Filling an Empty Space!

Work In Progress / 07 August 2019

Managed to push the scene over the last day and a half to fix the issues I previously presented. Value across the main shot sits much nicer now and directs the eye in the right direction.

Alterations and Additions:

  • Grass, Ivy and Trees have had their textures adjusted to better fit within the scene. For the most part this meant increasing value lightness of textures and tweaking some saturation levels.
  • Tree canopy has been altered. Whilst I was tweaking the textures I figured I'd play with the tops of the trees, removing some of the large clusters and adding some smaller branches so that the top of the trees sat more naturally. I also added some more variation in the height of the trees to a more extreme degree. This means that some trees are now more visible and it also helps to direct the curve of the tree tops from the top right corner into the tower.
  • Ground textures for the most part have been overhauled. I wasn't too happy with the textures I used as they were too uniform across them and too noisy. I built them again in Designer adding some grass tufts in. I may return and add some small twigs as well, but for now I am quite happy with how these now look. Another fix on the new Prints mud was the addition of mud being displaced around the prints to better replicate reference.
  • Finally a lot of the cloth colour values have been ever so slightly tweaked. Reducing the intensity of some colours and ensuring contrast in a couple of the other designs.

Progress Shot:

Close up of new ground textures in action:

Value Comparison GIF:

The next part of the scene I will be looking at over the next couple days is pushing the jousting area a bit more with a few extra assets. In the concept there is some wood debris dotted around so that is my first point of call. Whilst I'm building parts for the wood debris I'll also be looking at adding in some small rocks in the scene to add a bit more depth to the ares that are using the rock textures. These along with the Petals should make that space a bit more interesting. I'm planning on utilising the foliage system to drop these into the scene.

Forthcoming Assets:

  • Wood Debris Foliage
  • Rocks Foliage
  • Larger Scene rocks (To add further depth around the wooded areas of the map)

I'm away this weekend so I'll either drop a progress post Friday before I leave in the evening on Sunday/Monday!

As always Feedback is welcome :D