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Jousting Arena - Legend Of King Arthur Artstation Challenge
Progress GIF (Whitebox to Completion)

Progress GIF (Whitebox to Completion)

Shots of the tent interiors. These were an amalgamation of all the assets already made created into blueprint prefabs.

Shots of the tent interiors. These were an amalgamation of all the assets already made created into blueprint prefabs.

Material Balls

Material Balls

Trim Sheets in action on larger assets. A lot of the larger objects like the seating are using a combination of tiling materials and trim sheets.

Trim Sheets in action on larger assets. A lot of the larger objects like the seating are using a combination of tiling materials and trim sheets.

Jousting Arena - Legend Of King Arthur Artstation Challenge

Submission for Artstation 'The Legend of King Arthur' challenge. This was good fun to create and meant I could really push playing with modularity and re-usability of assets. The scene is presented in UE4. My original thread is below, but there is further development on my Blog as well:

Big thank you to Harrison Yinfaowei for the awesome concept to work from!

I used a couple assets from the Unreal marketplace to push this scene forward including: GoodSky and Water materials. Both are linked below: